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NDMA Executive Council Urges VOTE NO on Measure 2
Posted 11/03/22 (Thu)
Research tells us that approximately 1 in 10 adults who use marijuana will become addicted. In today’s society - when our government continues to increase the nation’s investment treating drug addiction - it seems counter intuitive to legalize yet another addictive recreational drug.
The North Dakota Medical Association (NDMA) takes this opportunity to share why legalizing recreational marijuana is a poor choice for North Dakota. We invite North Dakotans to look beyond the propaganda and pay attention to the facts:
1. Marijuana is the most used illicit drug. Rationalizing legalization because of this fact would be like legalizing texting while driving “since everybody does it”.
2. While rates of use of alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs are decreasing in adolescents, marijuana usage rates are increasing for all age groups.
3. Marijuana’s current potency is more addictive now than ever before.
4. Marijuana use is associated with mental health problems, including depression, comorbid-substance use, suicide, and psychosis. It impairs academic performance and leads to challenges with steady employment, stable relationships, and life satisfaction.
5. The increase in pregnant moms using cannabis, with consequential delivery of low birth-weight babies, is extremely concerning for the next generations’ growth and brain development.
6. Recreational cannabis legalization in the United States is associated with an increased risk of fatal motor vehicle collisions and associated deaths.
7. Recreational cannabis legalization results in increased marijuana-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations for psychosis, intoxication, and other adverse effects.
NDMA joins the following organizations in OPPOSING the legalization of recreational marijuana:
- ND Sheriff’s and Deputies Association
- ND Peace Officers Association
- Chiefs of Police Association of ND
- ND Farm Bureau
- ND Farmers Union
- Greater ND Chamber
- ND Family Alliance, and
- ND Catholic Conference
Don’t be duped. Vote NO on Measure 2.
President Joshua C. Ranum, MD
Vice President Stephanie K. Dahl, MD
Policy Forum Chair, Parag Kumar, MD
Secretary-Treasurer Erica C. Hofland, MD
Immediate Past President Misty K. Anderson, DO