69th Legislative Assembly in Action
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Scheduled Hearing Priorities: Janauary 27 - 31
69th Legislative Session Update: Week 4 update - January 27 - 31
69th Legislative Session Update
Week four proved to be extremely busy providing testimony either in support of or in opposition to proposed bill that have the ability to impact healthcare and physician practices. Here is a summary:
SB 2281 This proposes to increase taxes on cigars, other tobacco products, alternative tobacco products, electronic smoking devices, and electronic smoking device substances and introduces a tobacco tax distribution fund where a portion of the proceeds would go to local public health units and organizations providing 988 crisis hotline services.
SB 2255 This strips qualifications for the State Health Officer to be a physician and removes the three-member advisory committee. Qualifications now include public health or administrator experience.
HB 1363 This relates to implementing a cardiac emergency response plan for public and nonpublic schools and athletic events.
HB 1341 This proposes to add "hospital worker" to the existing ND Century Code that protects peace officers, correctional institution workers, emergency medical workers, and fire department workers from assault by making bodily injury a Class C felony. A similar bill has been attempted in previous sessions and was defeated.
HB 1341 was reported out of the House Judiciary Committee with a DO PASS by an 8 to 6 vote. The next action is to proceed to the House Floor for a full vote.
HB 1478 This bill relates to contraceptive healthcare rights. It protects the right to contraceptive practices.
SB 2294 A medical marijuana bill that proposes to remove the written certification for those over the age of fifty. For NDMA, this is concerning due to possible drug interactions and feel physician oversight is needed.
HB 1477 Similar to protecting the rights to contraceptive care (HB 1478) this bill seeks to protect reproductive rights.
North Dakota citizens and patients are concerned that our legislature may attempt to prohibit access to fertility treatment. Concerns are valid as there is a bill in front of legislators that would prohibit physicians from this practice. See HB 1373.
HB 1282 This relates to public employee (PERS) fertility health benefit plan coverage.
Since health insurance benefit bills have the potential to impact the state's medical insurance costs, STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT A NEW INSURANCE MANDATE IS REQUIRED TO BE VETTED THROUGH THE STATE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN (PERS) for viability and affordability. This means that if the state legislature does not agree with the requested benefit, it will not be possible to introduce the coverage plan through the private health insurance market.
SB 2248 The PERS Step Therapy bills aim to improve access to care and treatment for more associated conditions that are common when treating or suffering through metastatic cancer.
SB 2249 This PERS step therapy protocol focuses on prescription drugs and includes a prior authorization section.
HB 1284 A PERS bill asking for fertility preservation health benefit coverage. If the covered individual has a diagnosed medical condition or genetic condition that may cause impairment of fertility.
NDMA member Dr. Ana Tobiasz testified in support of bills that impact access to fertility treatment.
Success - Radon Disclosure
SB 2204 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 47-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the required disclosure of radon hazards by a seller.
This bill is one of NDMA's priority bills and also comes with a great deal of passion from NDMA President Dr. Dahl.
NDMA is pleased to report that the bill was reported out of the Senate Industry and Business Committee with a 5 to 0 vote - ALL IN FAVOR. On Thursday, the bill PASSED the Senate floor with a unanimous vote.
The bill now crosses over into the House where it will be given a committee hearing and floor vote. Stay tuned for more information.
What the Radon Bill Does
The North Dakota Real Estate Commission disclosure form mentions radon but merely asks if the house has been tested for radon. Radon is not included in the statute. SB 2204 includes radon in the statute and notifies home buyers that radon is a radioactive gas that may present health risks if exposed to high levels over time. It also notifies buyers that high levels of radon have been found in North Dakota residential real property.
Week 3 update - January 20-24
We are already in week three. The deadline for representatives to introduce bills was on Monday, January 20; the deadline for the Senate is coming up on Monday, January 27. As of today, there are a total of 983 bills, and NDMA is tracking 155 of these. Up until the last bill drops into the bill system, there may still be a few surprises lingering. NDMA's bill tracker is now tracking 156 - that's a lot of bills - here are some highlights from this week's in-the-trenches efforts.
Naturopathic Prescribing Practices - FAILED TO PASS
SB 2041 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 43-58-08.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to eligibility requirements for endorsement to prescribe independently of naturopathic doctors. The bill expands the options for a naturopathic doctor to receive prescribing privileges.
Last week we reported that this bill was given a DO NOT PASS out of the Senate Workforce Development Committee by a 5 0 vote. On January 17, the bill went to the Senate floor for a full vote and was defeated with 4 YEAS AND 43 NAYS.
Thank you to Dr. Heitkamp for providing testimony.
Radon Disclosure
SB 2204 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 47-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the required disclosure of radon hazards by a seller.
This bill is one of NDMA's priority bills and also comes with a great deal of passion from NDMA President Dr. Dahl.
The bill was heard by the Senate Industry and Business Committee. NDMA was fortunate to have Committee Chair Senator Jeff Barta as the bill sponsor.
Testimony in support was provided by UND Professor and Chair, Dept. of Population Health Gary Schwartz, NDMA President Dr. Stephanie Dahl, and Courtney Koebele. Organizations that supported the bill included American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and the North Dakota Association of Realtors.
There was no opposition to the bill. NDMA will keep you posted on further action.
If you would like to watch the hearing, it can be viewed here.